Bangkok | Lausanne | Geneva | +66 98 274 9868 | WhatsApp Us
Inspire Asia Co., Ltd. is a fast-growing digital marketing agency focused on the Southeast Asian markets. With a team of Asian native, expats and Swiss experts, it offers high-quality services (strategy, trading desk, inbound marketing, data intelligence) to major brands who want to strengthen their presence and generate business growth in Southeast Asia.
For our new office located in Bangkok, we are looking for a Thai SEM expert to implement and manage pay-per-click (PPC) marketing activities and set up advanced Analytics tracking.
At Inspire Asia, we have a holacratic approach and encourage self-organized work, collective decision making, and profit sharing. We value everyone’s initiatives and ideas and encourage our team members to develop the projects that they feel are important to them & the company.
We are always pushing ourselves to be on top of our game and develop our skills. We also think that it is important to share this knowledge with the whole team. We’ll encourage you to learn every day, to follow continuous training, and to always move forward in your key specializations.
Work-life balance is part of our DNA. We really trust that our success is also due to the fulfilled personal life of each co-worker and endeavor to do our best to create the most attractive, flexible and family-friendly (especially for those who have children) working conditions.
If you recognize yourself in this profile, your dream job awaits! Complete the form or write us at
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